Why is a Leadership Vision important? It tells others about the "Who" and the "Why" behind the work. It motivates and inspires others to do the work by providing them with a real purpose. A Leadership Vision speaks to the heart of the work and provides the glue to all contributors' work. It should also excite and energize the leader carrying it out.
How can you create a strong Leadership Vision that sustains throughout the year? Follow these three steps:

Step 1: Know Who You Are and What You Stand For.
Your leadership vision does not stand on its own. "You" are behind the vision. It must tie to what you believe is important and what drives you. The "Who" behind the "What" needs to be clear. Spend time considering what your Top 5 Values are, what matters to you, and what is at the heart of what you inspire to do.

Step 2: Connect the Dots
Your leadership vision will need to be driven by others and they need to feel motivated to carry it out. The best way for you to inspire them is to connect the dots from your vision to the work they carry out every day.
You need to be clear about the "Why" of the work. Create a mission and vision statement for your leadership vision. You may never share it but it will help you to make sure you are communicating with clarity to others.
Throughout the year, have informal check-ins with others and ask them to state what they think your leadership vision is and what it stands for. This will give you a good sense of whether you are hitting the mark or not.

Step 3: Survey the Momentum
To make sure that your Leadership Vision still has strength, take the time to assess its momentum. When you think about it does it still excite and ignite you? Do you still engage with it enthusiastically? Is it charged with energy? If you said yes to these questions, then there is still force behind the vision. If you said no, then slow down and assess what is out of alignment.
Quiet yourself and reflect about what is energizing and engaging to you now. Define ways to strengthen your vision in new and exciting ways or create a new vision altogether.
“You’ve got to think about big things while you’re doing small things so that all the small things go in the right direction.” Alvin Toffler